Monday 11 April 2011


Some physical properties of FORMALDEHYDE are:

* clear & colourless

* strong smelling, pungent gas

*soluble in water at room temperature

*boiling point of 96 degrees Celsius

*melting point of -15 degrees Celsius

Some chemical properties of FORMALDEHYDE are:

* flammable (combustibility)

* highly reactive with acids

* reactive with other substances such as amonia, oxides, anhydrides

Description of FORMALDEHYDE

Formaldehyde is a chemical used for many purposes. It has a very strong odour that may cause your eyes to burn in the process of smelling it. It is a colourless gas at room temperature and can be reactive with acids and other substances. It is used in household products as well as in the environment. It can be both harmful and useful in daily life. The chemical formula for formaldehyde is CH2O. (US National Cancer)

Common uses and products FORMALDEHYDE can be found in

There are many products Formaldehyde can be found in. Some of those include everyday household products, particleboard, plywood, fiberboard and other pressed-wood products, glues, adhesives, paper product coatings, insulation materials, fungicide, germicide and disinfectant, tobacco smoke and nail polish. It is also used as a preservative in mortuaries and medical labs. Although it is often processed in man-made products such as normal house hold cleaning products, it is also found in nature. Formaldehyde is produced in small amounts by most living organisms as regular metabolic processes. (US National Cancer)


Although Formaldehyde can be useful for many things, there are many dangers and risks that come with a certain amount of exposure to this poison. Some of these include Formaldehyde poisoning, skin, eye and throat irritation, it can affect the upper respiratory tract, and you can even have an increased risk to getting certain cancers such as leukemia, brain cancer, hematopoietic and lymphatic, lung cancer and brain cancer. Some ways to reduce these health risks are to buy products that contain less formaldehyde such as using exterior-grade pressed wood products. Another way to reduce formaldehyde exposure is to make sure your ventilation is adequate, live in lower humidity levels and keep a moderate temperature in your home. (US National Cancer)


If you get formaldehyde poisoning, a doctor will prescribe medications and drugs to treat it. If exposure makes your eyes, throat, or skin irritated, the best thing to do is get fresh air or rinse yourself. If exposure from formaldehyde has lead to something more serious like cancer, then the patient should probably go to cancer treatments and therapies. ("Formaldehyde poisoning symptoms," )

Our opinion on whether Formaldehyde should be banned or not is clearly going to be yes, it should be banned because first of all, the health risks are too serious to be ignored and also, there are safer alternatives that can be used instead of formaldehyde in the majority of the products it's found in. Instead of risking your health by using products that we need to build or that we clean with, people can start using less harmful chemicals. Formaldehyde is more harmful than helpful when put into products, although we cannot do anything about it when it's found in nature because it isn't mixed with a bunch of other chemicals or products. Like a wild animal, we should leave formaldehyde to do it's natural processes instead of causing health problems in our homes.


* US National Cancer Institute, (n.d.). Retrieved from

* Formaldehyde poisoning symptoms. (n.d.). Retrieved from


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. is this product more harmful to youth or adults?

  3. Definetly don't need glasses to see the letters, but you need the citations after your paragraphs. Besides that lots of info and intresting

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I really liked your use of different font and pictures. Though what types of medications are required to treat over exposure?

  6. is FORMALDEHYDE a good preservative of food? -angeleeno

  7. that comment was from viiiicG, upp there^^

  8. Very nice formatting on this one, especially the title. -Connor

  9. like the colours and the format! - Courtney

  10. love the title's font and size, and the colours! -ang

  11. carly- what chemical or substance could we use in replacement of Formaldehyde?

  12. carly mcccann :)- i like the strong opinion you guys have on it, really makes sense persuades you! good job girls, looks great!

  13. Taylor L:I really like the project. I like the way you did the information on it. Good job!

  14. Can we avoid using this product? If so, what other products could we use to replace it?
