Tuesday 19 April 2011

Asbestos - kerley - grunsell

What is Asbestos?

Asbestos is a naturally occurring fibrous material. It can be up to 700 times smaller than human hair . It is strong enough to resist high temperatures, chemical attack, and wear. There is six kinds of Asbestos. But there most common kinds are Chrysotile and Amosite.The chemical formula for Chrysotile (White), is Mg3(Si2O5)(OH)4. Chrysotile is the most common in Asbestos based products. It originates from Canada. Its fibers are curled and less sharp, so this means they pose less threat than the other kinds of Asbestos. Chrysotile is considered safer than the other kind of Asbestos, which is Amosite. Amosite is brown, it has long, jagged and needle like fibers, that if when inhaled, it can cause a major threat to your health. Its chemical formula is Fe7Si8O22(OH)2.

Videos about Asbestos


http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=47kMfYQY0HI &lt <----- Obviously t
his video was

made a long time ago. Asbestos is dangerous, and if not removed carefully, it can lead to deadly diseases.


<----- This form of Asbestos is Chrysotile.


About Asbestos

Asbestos is a poor conductor making it good for insulation. Some other physical properties are that is it flexible, solid, crystals, very strong, and comes in silky fibers. Some chemical properties for asbestos are that it is non-flammable, insoluble in water and organic solvents, and inert.

Asbestos is Found In..

It can be found in insulation (wall, ceiling, and pipes), in ropes or cloths, shingles, tiles (floor and ceiling), brake linings, and much more. Asbestos is mostly found in older homes or buildings.

Dangers and Precautions

Asbestos can only be dangerous if it is in the air we breath because it gets into your lungs and it can cause asbestosis, lung cancer, or mesothelioma. To see how this happens watch video above. The more you are exposed to asbestos the more likely you are to get the diseases.
You should be aware of where asbestos is found. Take precautions found on the video above when renovating or repairing.


The treatment depends on the type/stage of cancer you have. Small cell is less common. It grows and spreads fast, needs aggressive treatment. Non-small grows and spreads slower. You can get surgery radiotherapy, chemotherapy, or photodrnamic therapy.

Link about asbestos: http://www.cbc.ca/news/world/story/2011/04/27/japan-earthquake-tsunami-asbestos-radiation.html

Our Opinion about Asbestos

From all of the information we have learned about asbestos. We have concluded that asbestos should be banned from being used in any products. We think this because not only can it
cause asbestosis, it can also cause lung cancer, or mesothelioma. Its not right to be diagnosed with these diseases just because you breathed in asbestos particles from your home.

Where We Got Our Information From:

Asbestos still a public health tragedy; congress taking action. (2007-2011). Retrieved from http://www.ewg.org/report/asbestos-still-public-health-tragedy-congress-taking-action

Asbestos fact sheet
. (2006, April 13). Retrieved from http://web.princeton.edu/sites/ehs/workplacesafety/asbestosfactsheet.htm

. (n.d.). Retrieved from Asbestos. (n.d.). Retrieved from http://www.cmhc-schl.gc.ca/en/co/maho/yohoyohe/inaiqu/inaiqu_001.cfm

Barbalace, R.C.B. (2004, October). Asbestos, its chemical and physical properties. Retrieved from http://environmentalchemistry.com/yogi/environmental/asbestosproperties2004.html

Mesothelima information and legal guide
. (2011, January 25). Retrieved from http://www.resource4mesothelioma.com/topics/whatisasbestos.html

Mesothelioma & asbestos cancer resource
. (2010). Retrieved from http://www.asbestos.net/diseases/cancer/asbestos-cancer-treatment


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Shelley- asbestos is so cool, you bbgs picked a great topic. I enjoyed your works cited because its just so darn organized! luvv it gr8t job :):):):):):)

  3. really liked your colour choices! it was just enough to look pretty... but not too much to make me wanna shoot myself. hehe ;) really good information guys, good job!!!!!!!

  4. you did this ASBESTOS you could! And you really suceeded!

  5. the picture of the asbestos really cool, I've heard of asbestos, but never saw picture before i saw your blog. taylor k

  6. dani-very neat blog! never heard of asbestos before:O greeeaaaaaat job ladies

  7. very nice girls, very neat could use a little more colour though ;) - alyssa

  8. Lots of info and sources...the picture is cool too -victoria r

  9. If abestos is more harmful the more we breathe it in, how can we tell if we are inhaling it? Does it have a distinct odour? -vic r

  10. Is there a way you could prevent being poisoned, or can you only treat it after?

  11. if you are renovating or repairing wear a mask and dampen the materials with asbestos, but you cant treat it after when you have lung cancer

  12. suggestion, maybe for your video websites, make them links so we just have to click on it and we can see it. -kevin

  13. dont know how kevin.. sorry we arent that smart

  14. how can you find out if asbestos is in the air you breathe?-ang

  15. This is very organised and easy to read because of the formatting. -Connor

  16. your blog was put together really well, and included some good information. nice work. -Rach.

  17. carly mccann :)- the colours of font you guys used against the black info looks really good and pops out, i like the looks of it and its a good amount of info all explaining asbestos really well and easy to comprehend!

  18. are the side effects of asbestos long term or short term? -Helena

  19. it depends on what stage you have

  20. How common is asbestos in drywall?

  21. My family several years ago were putting drywall in a cabin, and we started in the morning, and by the time we got to the end of the day, you could hardly breath, b/c of the particles in the air(the dry wall broke alot, and plus we had to cut it, that is why there was all the particles in the air)

  22. thanks for the tips and information..i really appreciate it.. Asbestos Cancer Organization
